Here are the results of the second big air from Jan 19
Expert Class Jan 19
1st was Abrahm Barnett but I didnt even know he was in my class so Im not sure what he did??oops
2nd was me Alex Elam with a 360x and a 180 crashed and faceplanted and then a 360 mute
3rd was Erin..Gessner I beleive? i dont know him but I think he had 2 attempted 7's and a 3x, but Im not totally sure
Freezing Point (these kids organize everything at Perfect North)
Future Events at Perfect North Slopes
February 9th - Skier-X ......
February 10th - Big Air......
February 23rd - Skier-X ......
February 24th - Big Air......
There is a hoodie I won in the last comp.....
I picked that one out because it was the flashiest most hidious one I could find and I love it!